Dr. Andy Wilczak

Associate Provost, Academic Innovation
Provost Office

Breiseth Hall Breiseth Hall 325
(570) 408-4041

Andrew Wilczak, Associate Professor of Sociology, received his MA in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Eastern Michigan University in 2006 and his PhD in Sociology from Bowling Green State University in 2011, with a focus in criminology and social psychology. He was most recently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Government, History, and Sociology at the University of Tampa.

In addition to teaching existing courses in sociology and criminology, he will be developing several new courses for the criminology major offered by the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences, including courses in life course criminology and victimology.  His research interests include examining how violence and exposure to violence influence adolescent development and how the desistance process varies by neighborhood context.